As a part of Digital Society School, I was working in a multidisciplinary team composed of both academic and applied study area.
We were following a high – paced, agile Human – Centered Design process on a project for Johan Cruyff Arena in Amsterdam. 
We were conducting applied research and using a design methodology to develop innovative solutions with an impact on the digital society.

The challenge:

How can the venue create a better fan experience with WOW moments after the event using the new public space at the Johan Cruijff ArenA?

Partners: – Amsterdam Innovative Arena, Digital Society School, Lectoraat Crossmedia HvA

My research was focus on the following objectives:

  • Identifying the touchpoint through which we can improve people’s stadium experience
  • Identifying customer interests
  • Identify concepts that allow people to stay in the moment
  • Identify the special configuration and behavioural pattern of customers
  • Brainstorm about different content which will keep people stay in the moment when leaving an event.
  • User testing for different functions based on our focus points
  • Conceptualize a way to tie different functions together
  • Delivery a guideline on how to choose the right content which will keep stadium visitors at the moment

Used design methods:

Stakeholder map, Customer Experience Map, 1-on 1interview, Survey, Literature review, Deep interview,  Dot voting, Lottos blossom, MoSCow, User testing, Harris Profile

After identifying the different stakeholder’s, my team created a customer journey to marking the touchpoints where we can improve visitor’s experience at the stadium.  We found that the excitement is crashing down straight after the event and people were still looking for a way to extend this exciting moment. To identify particular formats of engaging activities, we conducted one-on-one interviews and survey with people from different nationalities to come up with more holistic ideas. People shared that they wanted to hang around in a pub or a restaurant and chat about the event with their group.
So, we came up with an idea of a fantasy-themed restaurant which could be the base for our data-driven ideas.
To draw inspiration for concepts that improve in-stadium customer experience, we did a literature review of scholarly articles and publications for different kinds of public places. We came up with 5 concepts

(Placemaking, Gain Creator, Sensory Scape, Sense of Home, Social Interaction) that could help achieve our goal to keep people “staying in the moment”.

To utilize these concepts, we brainstormed and came up with an idea of a holographic fireplace. After doing a visit to the Arena for a football match, we gathered our insights about how our prototype would fit inside the space according to the behavioural pattern of customers. Then, we came up with three different ideas- interactive fireplace, AI Quiz and highlights, and did user testing and took feedback based on our focus points. The majority of people preferred Interactive fire and AI quiz but we realized that each of these functions wasn’t versatile enough to cover all the focus points very well.

We realized that the hologram can be base for different functions which had to somehow be tied together. So in this sprint, we focused on creating a character for the hologram which could “host” the after-party and entertain different people according to their own preferences.

We created different kinds of data (player performance, 3D graphs, crowd activity inside Arena, crowd activity outside Arena, traffic information, energy consumption information) which could be visualized in the hologram and we visited different public places like Museumplein and university cafeterias to get feedback about which data they would want to see after the event. The feedback was that they wanted to see content more related to the event than general data information like the traffic or energy consumption information.

Further more we create and deliver a Guideline  how Arena can choose the right content which will keep their visitors in the moment